Spark!Lab is a hands-on invention workspace where children and their families and friends can learn about and engage in the history and process of invention. It is a space to engage the entire family while presenting challenges ranging from simple to complex and allowing all visitors to recognize their inner Inventor!
- Invention is a process.
- Everyone is inventive.
- Invention and innovation have been – and continue to be – an important part of the American Experience.
- Invent-A-Vehicle
Build a vehicle to be used on another planet. Vehicles are made from reusable materials, and components are on a scale that encourages collaboration and imaginative play. - Soundscapes Use different blocks and musical/noise-making elements to create music and sound pathways for marbles.
- Marble Run Learn about geometric shapes, engineering, physics, magnets, number counting, and architectural and structural design while building a marble run.
- Kapla Blocks/Teeter Table
Use blocks to build structures under challenging – and unstable- circumstances. To build towers, buildings, and other structures, you have to be creative in how you use the building space and balance your structures – especially since you may not be the only inventor hard at work! - Spark!Lab Jr Read a book, measure the distance between two objects, examine bugs under a magnifying glass are just a few of the activities awaiting our younger guests.
Click here for more information about Spark!lab.
STEAM Literature Series (SLS)
Click here for more information about our SLS program.
Join us Thursdays at 10:00 for stories and crafts!
Content of schedule subject to change